PASTORS GARY & SHANNA WOODRUFFPastors Gary and Shanna Woodruff Jr. are natives of South Carolina. They accepted the call to the ministry in 2008 and began evangelizing in many different cities. In 2014, they transitioned to serve as pastors of FIARC Ministries in Seneca, SC.
Pastor Gary Woodruff, Jr. has a passion to see God’s people walk in total freedom. He has a heart to see the kingdom manifested. His relationship with his wife, co-pastor Shanna, and their two children Malachi and Graycee is an example and blessing to the members of FIARC. Co-pastor Shanna Woodruff serves with her husband and is devoted to the vision of the ministry. Her heart is to support him in his God-given mandate to serve God’s people by bringing deliverance and freedom to families. She is the founder of “Covered Girls” womens ministry. Her desire is to bring healing, wholeness and restoration to all women. |